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The Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy (JESP) is a peer-reviewed online journal in moral, social, political, and legal philosophy. The journal was founded on the principle of publisher-funded open access. There are no publication fees for authors, and public access to articles is free of charge. Articles are typically published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 license, though authors can request a different Creative Commons license if one is required for funding purposes. Funding for the journal has been made possible through the generous commitment of the Division of Arts and Humanities at New York University Abu Dhabi.

JESP aspires to be the leading venue for the best new work in the fields that it covers, and it is governed by a correspondingly high editorial standard. The journal welcomes submissions of articles in any of these and related fields of research. The journal is interested in work in the history of ethics that bears directly on topics of contemporary interest but does not consider articles of purely historical interest. It is the view of the editors that the journal’s high standard does not preclude publishing work that is critical in nature, provided that it is constructive, well argued, current, and of sufficiently general interest. JESP also endorses and abides by the Barcelona Principles for a Global Inclusive Philosophy, which seek to address the structural inequality between native and nonnative English speakers in academic philosophy.

JESP publishes articles, discussion notes, and occasional symposia. Articles normally do not exceed 12,000 words (including notes and references). JESP sometimes publishes longer articles, but submissions over 12,000 words are evaluated according to a proportionally higher standard. Discussion notes, which need not engage with work that was published in JESP, should not exceed 3,000 words (including notes and references). JESP does not publish book reviews.

To submit a manuscript to JESP, please go to